State Developed Assessment Tools
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SARATSO (State Authorized Risk Assessment Tool for Sex Offenders) refers to evidence-based, state authorized risk assessment tools used for evaluating sex offenders.
Colorado risk assessments are managed by the Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ), Office of Research & Statistics (ORS). Sex offender risk assessments developed by the ORS are approved by the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) which is also housed under the DCJ.
The assessments developed by the DCJ are listed below and can be found here.
Sex Offender Risk Scale (SORS)
Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.) 16-11.7-103(4)(c.5), C.R.S., the Division of Criminal Justice was tasked to work in consultation with the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) to develop an actuarial risk assessment scale to be used in the identification of an offender’s risk to be rearrested for a new sex crime.yzing important legal developments for those representing, prosecuting, overseeing, monitoring, and treating sex offenders and aiding their victims. The SORS was developed using actuarial methods.
Sexually Violent Predator Assessment Screening Instrument
Pursuant to 18-3-414.5, Division of Criminal Justice was tasked to consult with the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) to develop a risk assessment screening instrument for use in the identification of sexually violent predators (SVPs). The intent of the statute is to identify convicted sex offenders who are at higher risk of committing subsequent sex crimes. These offenders will be designated sexually violent predators. The SVPASI identifies the most dangerous offenders among those assessed. The final legal determination of sexually violent predator is at the discretion of the court at time of sentencing or in lieu of a court determination the Parole Board.
Structured Sex Offender Treatment Review (SSOTR - “Sotter”)
The SSOTR is a software tool designed by a non-government entity as an instrument for professionals to use when reviewing and staffing the management and treatment of convicted sex offenders.
Texas Juvenile Sex Offender Risk Assessment Instrument
Texas developed it's own Juvenile risk assessment instrument due to several issues with existing juvenile instruments as explained in a 2008 presentation entitled Risk Assessment for Juvenile Offenders in Texas.
Vermont Assessment of Sex Offender Risk-2 (VASOR-2) Reoffense Risk Scale
VASOR-2 is designed to assess risk among convicted adult male sex offenders. It is composed of a twelve item Reoffense Risk Scale and a four item Severity Factors Checklist. The Reoffense Risk Scale is statistically derived and is designed to assess risk for sexual and violent recidivism. The Severity Factors Checklist is clinically derived and is designed to describe the severity of sex offenses.
Static Risk and Offender Needs Guide-Revised (STRONG-R) and SO component (STRONG-R-SO)
The Washington State Department of Corrections (WADOC) has marked a series of advancements, from a standard “off-the-shelf” instrument (LSI-R), to a static-only instrument with improved predictive validity (SRA), and finally the addition of a needs assessment tailored to the Washington State offender population (STRONG). The current project is an expansive endeavor to combine collected static risk and dynamic items into a consolidated system of prediction instruments – prison infraction, recidivism and violations.
The project is being conducted by the Washington State University, Washington State Institute for Criminal Justice, Corrections and Community Health.
If there is an assessment that you need information on that is not shown above, please contact us using our Contact Us page or by email to [email protected]