Physiological Assessments
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In physiological assessments, an "instrument" is used that simultaneously records changes in physiological processes such as heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration
The Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest (AASI)
A psycho-physiological testing instrument used in assessing sex offenders, which consists of a questionnaire about sexual thoughts, fantasies and behavior, and a computerized assessment of gaze times at slides depicting a range of pre-pubescent, teenage and adult males and females, and scenes suggesting paraphilias. Overall the Abel assessment has been found to be most accurate with child molesters who prefer pubescent boys.
Designed to be less intrusive, the measure of the sex offender’s deviant sexual interests and level of sexual arousal to certain audio and/or visual stimuli are used to form judgments regarding compliance, community risk, and treatment progress which can then be provided to the clinician and officer.
Testing tool in question - Charles Patrick Ewing, JD, PhD
Monitor on Psychology, Jan. 2006, Vol 37, No. 1, Pg 61
Using the Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest™ to Infer Lack of Culpability in a Criminal Case - James M. Peters.
Sex Offender Law Report , Source: Volume 03, Number 04, June/July 2002 , pp.57-58(2)
The Affinity Measure of Sexual Interest – Version 2.5
A computer based ipsative (a forced-choice scale) assessment of sexual interest which combines two overt measures of sexual interest (designed to enable assesses to report the age and gender of sexual preferences in some detail) with a covert, ‘viewing time’ validity measure.
Penile Plethysmograph (PPG)
A plethysmograph is an instrument for measuring changes in volume within an organ or whole body (usually resulting from fluctuations in the amount of blood or air it contains).
Psycho-physiological testing uses penile plethysmography. The most commonly reported methods of conducting penile plethysmography involves the measurement of the circumference of the penis with a mercury-in-rubber or electromechanical strain gauge, or the volume of the penis with an airtight cylinder and inflatable cuff at the base of the penis.
Measurement is made by the instrument, attached to the individual’s penis, that is designed/used to measure a sex offender’s deviant sexual interests and level of sexual arousal to certain audio and/or visual stimuli so judgments regarding compliance, community risk, and treatment progress can be provided to the clinician and officer.
Vaginal photoplethysmography (VPG)
Similar to the PPG but not as widely used, the VPG is the most common way to assess vaginal blood flow and is widely used to measure genital sexual arousal in women. However, debate has arisen as to how reliable the technique is
Men using the Penile Plethysmograph have a far greater correlation between reported arousal and blood flow then women with the VPG.
A psycho-physiological examination conducted by a licensed polygraph examiner on sex offenders to determine their levels of honesty by measuring their physiological responses when providing answers to targeted questions so judgments regarding compliance, treatment progress, and community risk can be provided to the clinician and officer.
New York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives, Research Bulletin 3: The Use of the Polygraph in Sex Offender Management, January 2009. Here.
If there is an assessment that you need information on that is not shown above, please contact us using our Contact Us page or by email to [email protected]
In physiological assessments, an "instrument" is used that simultaneously records changes in physiological processes such as heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration
The Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest (AASI)
A psycho-physiological testing instrument used in assessing sex offenders, which consists of a questionnaire about sexual thoughts, fantasies and behavior, and a computerized assessment of gaze times at slides depicting a range of pre-pubescent, teenage and adult males and females, and scenes suggesting paraphilias. Overall the Abel assessment has been found to be most accurate with child molesters who prefer pubescent boys.
Designed to be less intrusive, the measure of the sex offender’s deviant sexual interests and level of sexual arousal to certain audio and/or visual stimuli are used to form judgments regarding compliance, community risk, and treatment progress which can then be provided to the clinician and officer.
Testing tool in question - Charles Patrick Ewing, JD, PhD
Monitor on Psychology, Jan. 2006, Vol 37, No. 1, Pg 61
Using the Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest™ to Infer Lack of Culpability in a Criminal Case - James M. Peters.
Sex Offender Law Report , Source: Volume 03, Number 04, June/July 2002 , pp.57-58(2)
The Affinity Measure of Sexual Interest – Version 2.5
A computer based ipsative (a forced-choice scale) assessment of sexual interest which combines two overt measures of sexual interest (designed to enable assesses to report the age and gender of sexual preferences in some detail) with a covert, ‘viewing time’ validity measure.
Penile Plethysmograph (PPG)
A plethysmograph is an instrument for measuring changes in volume within an organ or whole body (usually resulting from fluctuations in the amount of blood or air it contains).
Psycho-physiological testing uses penile plethysmography. The most commonly reported methods of conducting penile plethysmography involves the measurement of the circumference of the penis with a mercury-in-rubber or electromechanical strain gauge, or the volume of the penis with an airtight cylinder and inflatable cuff at the base of the penis.
Measurement is made by the instrument, attached to the individual’s penis, that is designed/used to measure a sex offender’s deviant sexual interests and level of sexual arousal to certain audio and/or visual stimuli so judgments regarding compliance, community risk, and treatment progress can be provided to the clinician and officer.
Vaginal photoplethysmography (VPG)
Similar to the PPG but not as widely used, the VPG is the most common way to assess vaginal blood flow and is widely used to measure genital sexual arousal in women. However, debate has arisen as to how reliable the technique is
Men using the Penile Plethysmograph have a far greater correlation between reported arousal and blood flow then women with the VPG.
A psycho-physiological examination conducted by a licensed polygraph examiner on sex offenders to determine their levels of honesty by measuring their physiological responses when providing answers to targeted questions so judgments regarding compliance, treatment progress, and community risk can be provided to the clinician and officer.
New York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives, Research Bulletin 3: The Use of the Polygraph in Sex Offender Management, January 2009. Here.
If there is an assessment that you need information on that is not shown above, please contact us using our Contact Us page or by email to [email protected]