Sex Offenders Restored through Treatment (SORT), a non-profit advocacy membership organization under IRC section 501(c)(3) founded in 1990, is an issue chapter of Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants (National CURE) and is referred to as CURE-SORT.
CURE-SORT works to provide information, resources, contacts, and support to individuals, families, defense attorneys, treatment providers, public media, legislators, law enforcement personnel, and other professionals who work with or are interested in issues of sexual abuse and its prevention.
While you will see the term "sex offender" used through out this site, we at CURE-SORT when possible, will refer to individuals as someone who has demonstrated "inappropriate sexual behavior" or someone who has demonstrated "illegal sexual behavior."
Our reasons for doing so are because:
CURE-SORT works to provide information, resources, contacts, and support to individuals, families, defense attorneys, treatment providers, public media, legislators, law enforcement personnel, and other professionals who work with or are interested in issues of sexual abuse and its prevention.
While you will see the term "sex offender" used through out this site, we at CURE-SORT when possible, will refer to individuals as someone who has demonstrated "inappropriate sexual behavior" or someone who has demonstrated "illegal sexual behavior."
Our reasons for doing so are because:
- We are trying to assist those whose behavior, while inappropriate has not caused them to perform an illegal act, as well as those who have committed an illegal act of sexual behavior;
- By helping individuals who display inappropriate behavior gain awareness of their problem and seek assistance, and assist those who have already been found guilty of committing an illegal act of sexual behavior control and manage their behavior, we prevent the potential of illegal sexual behavior; and
- The term "sex offender" has become a label associated with individuals who demonstrate a specific type of illegal sexual behavior and does not adequately recognize the diversity of individuals looking to manage their illegal sexual behavior. You may download our position paper on the subject of use and abuse of the term "sex offender". Here.
Our outreach efforts seek to promote restoration of people who have demonstrated illegal sexual behavior and we look to establish alternatives to incarceration. It is also to foster a sense of community, responsibility, and concern between individuals who have offended through correspondence with people incarcerated for illegal sexual behavior. We also publish a newsletter called the CURE-SORT News.
CURE-SORT uses a forum under Google that allows us to distribute information to members as well as to allow members to post topics for discussion or news in their region. The CURE-SORT Google group can be accessed Here.
CURE-SORT uses a forum under Google that allows us to distribute information to members as well as to allow members to post topics for discussion or news in their region. The CURE-SORT Google group can be accessed Here.
CURE-SORT was formerly organized as a program of Sex Abuse Treatment Alliance (SATA) and known as SATA-SORT. You can read about the history of the organization by clicking on the link below.
Our Mission
... Dedicated to preventing sexual abuse through education, outreach, and community reconciliation of sexual abusers.
We are
... Professionals, therapists, victims, those who have offended, families of those affected, and other community representatives.
We Believe...
- (In agreement with the Center for Disease Control), that sexual abuse is a public health issue – not solely a criminal justice issue -- and that prevention is best served when public policy makers, the justice system, educators and therapists approach sexual abuse from this perspective.
- Through treatment, community support, and personal commitment, most persons who have sexually abused can become responsible members of society, and those at risk to sexually act out can successfully learn ways not to abuse.
- Open and fair public discussions with an emphasis on understanding the current significant scientific research can lead to greater understanding of how those who abuse can control their behavior.
- Resources for compassionate intervention can be provided for those victimized, those who have victimized others, or those at risk to be victimized or to sexually act out.
- Promoting restorative justice is a positive way to heal the harm done to the victim, bring healing for those who abuse, those at risk to abuse, and for their community.
- Care for the abuser includes support for and nurture of the abuser’s family.
... We promote our beliefs through education about successful ways to control abuse and positive approaches to the issue of sexual abuse such as therapy and restorative justice. We also lend support through referrals, networking, sharing and promoting positive information for those at risk as victims or offenders, and for those victimized, those who have offended, for therapists, members of the law enforcement and justice systems, policy makers, and the public through meaningful healing and scientifically validated therapeutic approaches.
Fair Use: This site may contain copyrighted material or links the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of political, medical, scientific, economic, social justice issues, and for humanitarian purposes. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information for research and educational purposes. See also: Fair use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.